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Calling all

parents, older siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, caretakers, guardians, teachers!


All of the grown-ups who care for little ones are welcomed.

  • Developing strong Early Childhood Literacy skills is an important part of children's healthy growth (Fasick & Holt, 2013).


  • The following is a research-based, 12-month, plan for caregiver's about literacy training.


  • Program Description: "Please join our Children’s Librarian as they discuss the important of early-literacy for children, age and developmentally specific activities, ways to incorporate reading skills, a love of literature, and critical thinking skills, into your everyday routines, the importance of representation in literature, and many other wonderful topics with you!"


  • Each workshop takes place the second Wednesday of every month, from 6:30 - 7:30pm, in Meeting Room Two.



The Monthly Workshop Topics Are:


January: What are "Early Childhood Literacy" skills and how can I support their growth?


February: How to incorporate library services and programming into your ECL plan


March: Customizing your ECL plan to individual children


April: How can different caretakers support ECL skills in children's lives? 


May: We learn about specific ECL activities for the different ages and stages of development 


June: Representation in literature: Why it is so important

                                                        June's Featured Title:

July: How to encourage and develop critical thinking


August: How to demonstrate and foster a love of reading


September: Making reading fun and not a chore


October: How storytimes are supporting the development

of ECL skills


November: Ways to incorporate ECL skills into different



December: Dealing with roadblocks: What to do when

children don't like to read?


Early Childhood Literacy Training
for Caregivers:

Important Details:



  • At the first workshop, library staff will provide participants with a notebook, pen, ECL information packet, as well as monthly handouts to keep together and bring to each workshop.


  • Can't make every workshop? No problem! Let the Children's Librarian know and they will set aside that month's handouts, or email a copy.

    • All of the library's ECL resources are available digitally on their website, and at request.

    • Participants can also send different caregivers to workshops they can't make.

    • All caregivers are welcomed at all workshops!


Staffing: The Children’s Librarian creates and hosts this program. Children's Library Technicians assist the librarian in setting up the meeting room, collating and creating the ECL folders and handouts, and assisting the librarian in the workshops. 


Budgetary Information: The library has allocated budgetary resources in order to provide particpants with notebooks, pens, handouts, use of existing resources (room, tables, chairs, white board, markers, information packers, folders) at no cost to participants.

Infographic by Laura Carpenter

*We would like to note that everyone on the library premises is held to the same rules and standards of behavior. (link here)

We are a safe space, and any harassment of our staff, guests, patrons, or performers will not be tolerated, and we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.*

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