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Assessment is important to us, so that we know how we can better meet your needs, and how we can bring joy and enlightenment to you: our patrons.

We want to provide our patrons and our community with programming that is informed, supportive, and inclusive.


We continuously assess our programming by using the following questions: 


-Is this program based on the community’s needs and wants? 


-Who designed the program?


-What are their sources/qualifications? 


-Have they spoken to community members or received feedback about the program? 


-Is the program inclusive and supportive to marginalized peoples? 


-Does it include representation of marginalized peoples? 


-Does this program address specific cultural needs or holidays in the community? 


-Is the program accessible to those with disabilities? 


-Is the language used to describe the programming and in the programming itself inclusive and supportive? 


-Is there signage or decor present in the children’s area or places where the programs are to be held that promotes inclusivity, support, and acceptance of all peoples?


We value and encourage your feedback and suggestions. Please email our Children's Librarian with ideas, concerns, suggestions, and what you liked! (email address would go here) 


The methods that will be used for assessment:


A form will be created, listing the facets that each program will be being evaluated for: 


-Is this program based on the community’s needs and wants? 

-Who designed the program? 

-What are their sources/qualifications? 

-Have they spoken to community members or received feedback about the program? 

-Is the program inclusive and supportive to marginalized peoples? 

-Does it include representation of marginalized peoples? 

-Does this program address specific cultural needs or holidays in the community? 

-Is the program accessible to those with disabilities? 

-Is the language used to describe the programming and in the programming itself inclusive and supportive? 

-Is there signage or decor present in the children’s area or places where the programs are to be held that promotes inclusivity, support, and acceptance of all peoples? 


The evaluator will sit in, silently in the back, on each program held by the children’s department during the specified week, evaluating them with this form and answering each question with a short answer. 


-There will also be a stack of surveys near the door, that participants will be encouraged to take and fill out, ascertaining their perceptions and satisfaction with the programming, as well as asking for suggestions for future programming they would like to see.


-The survey will also ask if they would be interested in participating in a focus group, to help better understand community wants and needs for library programming.


-Participants interested in the focus group will be invited to participate, as well as promoting the focus group to all patrons who are interested. It will be hosted by the evaluator and other interested staff, to discuss the community's programming needs and wants.


-The results of the assessments will be informative and instructional, providing concrete information and next steps to reach an even higher level of supportive and inclusive services for patrons.

These questions can be applied to any program wanting to be evaluated for supportive inclusivity for marginalized patrons.


How the assessment data will be collected and analyzed:

Once the evaluator has the forms completed for each of the programs, they will evaluate if all of the facets on the forms have been addressed by the programming, in which facets the programming performed strongly, and in which facets the programming was lacking. Ideally, each program will utilize each facet positively. The evaluator will provide suggestions for improvement where needed, as well as specific resources and contacts to address those areas, and specific praise for facets done well.

In three months, the evaluator will repeat the entire process, paying special attention to how the recommendations in the initial report have been addressed.


Statement on ethics:

A notice will be placed outside the door to each program being evaluated, explaining that there is an evaluation of the program taking place, should participants choose not to go in or want more information. All names and identifying information of participants in the programs, be it staff or patrons, will be kept confidential to protect privacy. No identifying information will be stored or presented. 


How the evaluators anticipate presenting the completed assessments:

They will present an overview of their findings to the library's decision-making body on programming: the Library System Administrator, Branch Manager, Children’s Librarian, and Children’s Library Assistants. The evaluator will also provide each member a binder containing the printed report which details all aforementioned facets, evaluations, strength, weaknesses, praise, recommendations, and resources. A digital copy of the report will also be e-mailed to each member.

*We would like to note that everyone on the library premises is held to the same rules and standards of behavior. (link here)

We are a safe space, and any harassment of our staff, guests, patrons, or performers will not be tolerated, and we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.*

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